Diversity of fish
Chiriqui archipelago contains more than 80 islands. The complexity of the bottom, shoals, brakes, rocks and falling tables make a unique shelter for many species of fish. Size and diversity of fish is impressive. Each island system have is own technics and fish. The closest islands are home of roosters, cuberas and jacks. The most remote ones like Montuosa and Jicaron are home of the pelagic fish, huge tunas and black marlins, and sailfish. Archipelago is so extended, that you will need more than three weeks to fish it all!
Let’s see the fish we have here in Panama.
The big cubera snapper
Called buy the locals cargo dention o sambo, this fish is the terror of the reef. You will need a very powerful rod, and many many drag to stop this fish before the goes on the rock to break the line.
Cuberas is a very selective, territorial and intelligent fish, and need to use heavy and big lures. It is a very specific trophy fishing. Big live baits can also be used.
Other snapper species:
D’autres espèces de lutjans fréquentent l’archipel comme le lutjans à queue jaune, lutjans peru, Colorado et rockero. Mais le plus sportif et le plus combatif est le mulet snapper.
C’est un poisson semi pélagique qui vit sur le sommet des montagnes sous marines. Il attaque bien les leurres.
The Roosterfish
He is one the emblem of this part of the world, with is tinny geographical distribution. Rooster is a real trophy fish, hard to get but so beautiful. Panama are home of huge roosters. Secas islands, Parida and Bolanos, are some of the better spots. We fish is casting poppers or trolling slowly a live bait.
The amberjacks
Two species of amberjacks are present, rivolana and peruana.
Very combative fish, the amberjacks live on deep rocks, and can be truyed with jigs and live baits.

The jacks and trevally
Four species of jacks: Caninus, bleu Trevally, big eye and Permit. In summer time, we have a big migration of Caninus jacks, making possible crazy actions on poppers, with sometimes more than 100 fish a day, all on popper!

Nice groupers are present: Broomtail groupers, careless and chernas. Funny on jig and very good to eat!

Sharks are not a problem on fishing. There are relatively few, but some good ones are present, like bull sharks, hammerheads and bronze sharks. The bronze can attack poppers, with a fantastic fight! Shark are more present in Ladrones islands and the cathedrals of Jicaron.

Marlins and sailsfish
Panama is a well known billfish spot, with one of the best fishing in the world. Each year, we have the visit of big migrations of big sails and black marlin. They stay around Montuosa and burbuja shoal, and the famous Hannibal Bank. We fish big black marlin trolling live bonito, and sailfish with lures and ballyhoos. Some good days, you can catch around 6 billfish a day, mixed marlin and sails!

Big yellowfin tunas
The tuna season is expected each year with impatience. This greats tuna hunts mixed with dolphins are one of the most beautiful show a fisherman can see in his life. We call this hunts « lavadoras », really the washing machine. We have some great lavadoras videos on our Youtube chanel « Olivierpeche ». We fish this actions casting poppers on the boil, and fight tuna up to more than 200 lbs. Fights are very very hard, and you never know who will be the winner. Best months for tuna fishing is from April to June.
Other species
Many other spices live on our waters, like mahi mahi, barracudas, sierra mackerel, needlefish , rainbow runners and so on…